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ABCO highly recommends screening of wastewater prior to the treatment process. Large matter can cause major problems in pumps and smaller filtration units, as well as causing pipe blockage, if it is not screened off initially. There are a number of screening options available, including drum screening and bar screening.

Drum (Trommel) Screen
Drum screens are capable of filtering solids as small as 5-20mm in size. They are designed to rotate slowly in order to prevent solids blocked by the mesh stopping the flow of water through the screen. These screens often incorporate a self cleaning function, which utilise a fresh water source to spray clean the mesh and deposit the collected solids in a waste basket.

Bar Screen
Bar screens are best suited for filtering wastewater with a high content of stringy solids, such as paper, rags and plastics. These screens typically filter solids of the size of 2-6mm. The bar screen arrangement is typically equipped with an automatic mechanical cleaner, which scrapes the bars clean and deposits the collected solids into a waste basket.

Screenings should be disposed of by burial or incineration after removing residual faecal matter, or can also be fed into a macerator and returned to the wastewater plant influent flow.

Grit Removal
Grit removal is typically incorporated into the wastewater treatment plant design, either through an initial balance tank or clarifier, or through other means.

ABCO is experienced in the design, installation and maintenance of effective wastewater sprinkler fields. We offer this product as both a stand-alone installation and as a package deal with most water and waste water treatment plants.

We're here to help

We’re here to provide ongoing support and service – be it choosing the perfect product, installing your water filtration system or having our service technician make a house call. If you have any questions or would like to book in a service, please contact our team directly on (08) 9399 1662.