Water and Wastewater Treatment Solutions since 1971

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Reverse Osmosis - Ultra High Pressure (RO-UHP)

Custom Designed Ultra High Pressure RO Plants

ABCO Water designs and manufactures a range of fully customisable Reverse Osmosis plants, all of which are engineered using advanced 3D computer modelling and process design software. Equipment and pre and post treatment is selected based on both raw water quality and treated water quality requirements.

Got a project to discuss? Contact us today.

Reverse Osmosis - Ultra High Pressure (RO-UHP)

Reverse Osmosis - Ultra High Pressure (RO-UHP)

ABCO Water’s Reverse Osmosis – Ultra High Pressure (RO-UHP) plants are capable of up to 99.8% salt rejection. Typically used for reduction of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) or desalination of hypersaline process water or reduction of brine in a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system.

ABCO Ultra High Pressure systems are designed to treat feed water with TDS level <120,000 mg/L to produce process water for reuse.

Product Benefits

  • Ability to treat hypersaline raw water
  • Accurate simulation and consistent permeate water quality
  • Energy efficiency, compared to other methods of desalination
  • Scalability, skid/containerised plants can be easily scaled up or down
  • Footprint, relatively small space required
  • Low maintenance and ongoing operating costs

Typical Applications

  • Treating hypersaline bore water for process use
  • Treating hypersaline RO brine for process reuse
  • Treating hypersaline wastewater for process reuse or complaint discharge to environment
  •  Treating RO-SW brine to minimise waste stream and improve recovery rate


Our RO Plants


ABCO Advantage

Expert Consultation

We provide free review of your raw water analysis and treated water requirement to guide you through the process of selecting the right solution, saving you both time and expense

Product Range

You will benefit from our decades of experience designing, manufacturing, and maintaining a wide range of water treatment technologies across all industries

Custom Design

We design plants tailored to your project requirements and budget, ensuring optimal performance and reliability

Optimised Efficiency

Our plants are designed for maximum recovery, minimal waste, low energy use, and reduced ongoing operating costs

Ease of Operation

Our systems are fully automated for easy operation, optional AB-View Remote Access is also available

Plug and Play

We offer skid mounted or containerised plants for safe transport and minimal site installation

Turnkey Solutions

We offer full turnkey solutions including delivery, site installation and commissioning, providing a hassle-free experience

Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing technical support, maintenance, and access to spare parts and consumables, ensuring continued plant reliability and performance

Commercial Flexibility

Choose from various procurement options, including purchase, hire, lease-to-own, or build-own-operate models, to suit your financial preferences and operational needs

Australian Quality

Our systems are designed and manufactured in Australia, ensuring the highest quality standards and long-term equipment durability

In-House Engineering

Our in-house engineering capabilities provide the flexibility to tailor solutions to your specific needs, ensuring precision from design to commissioning.

Triple ISO Certification

Holding three vital ISO certifications underscores our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and the well-being of our workforce.


Your Water Treatment Solutions Provider

ABCO Water has 50+ years of experience providing innovative water and wastewater treatment solutions. Whether it’s water purification, wastewater management, or recycling and reuse, our expert team uses cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal performance and sustainability.

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Latest News

See below the latest news from ABCO Water, including interesting projects and events, and celebrating our teams’ achievements.

We recently had the pleasure of hosting a visitor from AMCON’s head office in Japan. We took them to visit an existing installation at a municipal sewage treatment plant where these two VOLUTE™ units have been tirelessly dewatering activated sludge for the past

Check out our latest project, a containerised RO Planttreating bore water to produce high quality process water for use at an Australian Minesite. Great workteam @abcowater, with special thanks to our workshop teamfor fabricating this plant so quickly and our engineering team for your

Check out our latest project, a containerised Media Filtration Plant treating surface water to produce process water and potable water for use at a Gold Mine in West Africa. Awesome workteam @abcowater, with special thanks to @michaelperry and the workshop teamfor your quality build